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Sixty elderly men were put on various Ostarine dosages for 3 months, and it was found that simply taking 3mg of Ostarine per day led to an increase in muscle mass by 1.22kg over 3 months.
The effect was greater for the leaner men, and they gained 0.58kg in body mass. It’s worth noting that Ostarine is known to improve mitochondrial function, so this study adds further supporting evidence for its effects on health, strength, muscle loss, and muscle growth.
2) Vitamin D3 – Supplementation Increases Muscle Mass
As you probably already know, vitamin D has powerful anti-catabolizing properties, and has been shown to help you become more mobile and lean. There is a correlation between vitamin D levels and the incidence of cancer.
As an example, the rate of cancer incidence in American women was cut by 80% after the introduction of the D3 supplement. And this is likely due to one key factor: people who were deficient in vitamin D were actually more likely to develop cancer.
And yet there is something else that is even more relevant to the debate. Vitamin D is crucial to the functioning of fat metabolism. It helps you use fat as fuel by converting it to energy. As you may have expected, this translates over into muscle gain, which you can see here in the above-mentioned study.
What’s more, this effect also applies to men.
So vitamin D can significantly benefit your ability to gain muscle. And while this study was conducted in a laboratory setting, the fact that this effect also applies in real life is pretty amazing.
3) Omega 3 and Omega 6
Omega 3 and omega 6 fats are the two “Big Three” nutrients in human health. Omega 3 is found in oily fish, e.g. salmon, flax, dulse, and flaxseed. Omega 6 fat is found in animal and processed foods, and is found most often in meats, poultry, and dairy products.
They’re also both important in terms of proper nutrient metabolism, as we’ve described before.
And this is where this study shines. In rats, 2mg of omega 3 each day resulted in better results with respect to weight gain. For those who don’t know, 2mg is ~2g of omega 3 for a rat. So, you can see how 2mg of omega 3 is ~2g of omega 3 for each rat.
But, even more significantly, 4 mg of omega 6 per day resulted in greater muscle gains, as shown below.
4) Fatty Acid Composition of Foods – Increased Muscle Growth
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